Celebration on the Altar of the World - Altar del Mundo

A Sunrise Contemplative Liturgy

Celebrate Earth Day with a sunrise contemplative liturgy that honors the Divine presence in all of creation. Through bi-lingual readings, gesture, music and silence we will hold together the joy and suffering in the world. This is a contemporary re-rendering by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew of Teilhard de Chardin’s personal “Mass on the World.” Led by Rhonda Miska and Mary Martin.

Celebra el Día de la Tierra al amanecer con una liturgia contemplativa honrando a la Divina presencia de toda la creación. Vamos a crear un espacio con lecturas, música, movimiento y silencio para reflexionar acerca del júbilo y del sufrimiento en el mundo. Esta celebración es una representación contemporánea de "Misa en el Mundo" de Teilhard de Chardin escrita por Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew y celebrada por Rhonda Miska y Mary Martin.

Celebration on the Altar of the World - Altar del Mundo

Led by Rhonda Miska
Based on Teilhard de Chardin’s “Mass on the World” re-interpreted by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew

In English and Spanish

Sunday, May 5th, 2024
6:30 AM - Sunrise! Approximately 45 minutes.

Overlooking the Mississippi River
4367 W River Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN 55406
Please bring your own chair.

On this Earth Day, bring your delight in this beautiful world as well as any bitterness of limitations and grief. Together we will remember where to find Divine presence amidst all the joys and sufferings of life. In the splendor of the sunrise, we will praise all creation.

Teilhard de Chardin was a mystical Jesuit priest whose evolutionary theology and penetrating insight have been a source of profound inspiration to the modern Christian Contemplative movement. When Teilhard de Chardin was unable to celebrate the Christian liturgy of the Mass in the trenches during WWI and again when he was banished by the Jesuits in China, he instead practiced a “Mass on the World” in which he symbolically lifted up the holy cosmos to the Creator. This is a contemporary re-rendering of Teilhard de Chardin’s personal mass (The Heart of Matter) which is much longer.

An Introduction from Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew, interpreter of this liturgy

“In this rendering, I attempt to remain faithful to Teilhard’s soaring language and incarnational theology, contributing economy and flow to create a functioning liturgy, and layering in the principle of the sacred feminine—God-bearer, the Theotokos. I’ve imagined myself as a translator, making accessible to contemporary Christians a dimension of their mystical heritage that most often remains hidden. It is my prayer that this service reinvigorate the sacrament of communion, reconnecting it to what Teilhard calls “the majesty of the Real itself”: our good earth, our embodied lives.”

Read more about Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew

Download the Liturgy

If you want to use this liturgy for personal use, please download the files below. We’d love to know if you use them. You can tag us on Facebook or Instagram if you’d like!

There is no cost to attend. Donations in support of the work of the Eye of the Heart Center for Creative Contemplation are gratefully received.
