Our Blog
From Groggy to Alert
How to wake up more quickly and feel more alert in the morning with qigong. Free up your spine.
Full Catastrophe Dancing
What do you do after everything you’ve been working on falls apart? Do you dance? Zorba the Greek was able to dance with the full catastrophe of life – both literally and figuratively. If you embody resilience in dance you can access resilience in your whole life.
Stirred up? Here’s One Way to Clear Your Head
Learn how to discharge tensions from the day, clear the head, and improve breast health. Learn the qigong breast massage technique with a special chanting for qigong massage to help you get even more healing benefit.
React or Respond: A Choose Your Own Adventure
How do you respond or reach to a writing idea popping into your head? Read to choose your own adventure and learn more about writing as a spiritual practice.
Adventure in Kindness
Why is it so hard to be kind? The spiritual root of why it is hard to be kind points to why practicing kindness is a spiritual practice. Intentionally choosing to become more kind is to set out on a transformational adventure; it will bring you to the deep source of kindness and make you available to be a generous and fearless agent of good in the world.
Dance to Activate All Things Good
How to mark the transition from winter to spring – with dance! The Winter Water Blessing honors the water for nurturing all the life for the growing season to come. We participate in making it happen by sharing our dancing energy.
Qigong and Wiggling
Learn tools to help you fall back to sleep. Play with how qigong can be free and spontaneous, and this can help you soothe your body for sleep. Find out what makes the difference between an ordinary movement and a qigong healing movement.
May Your Spirit Soar
The red bird and the flying woman are key images for working with the energy of 2025. Explore the meaning of the image of the red bird and flying woman, including the wisdom from the phoenix. Mastering working with the seasons and elements is a central part of learning how to have freedom and ease and prepare your spirit to fly free.
The Art of Intention
Why setting intention is important in qigong practice. Four ways intention setting is an art. What to do if you don’t feel clear about your intention.
Four Ways Dance Can Anchor You Through Major Change
In order to thrive during transformative times, you are going to need community, ways to shake off the stress, joy, and ways to cultivate a larger perspective.
Working with Winter Solstice Energy
How to work with Winter Solstice energy. If the summer we have the most yang (fire) energy, in the winter our yang is the weakest. We simply can’t do as much and need to protect the warmth in the body. Slowing down in winter gives us space to embrace our inner life.
The Angel of Risk
Every week in the middle of my dance class I love offering my basket of angel cards to my students with the invitation to pick one. By that point in the class, everyone is so much more relaxed and energized than when they walked in the door. Each card in the basket has one word on it, and we use the cards to help us attune to the qualities coming through us as we dance.
Our Stories Are Gifts
Years ago, I shared a story about my mom on stage at The Riverview Theater as a part of a Listen To Your Mother Twin Cities Holiday Show. The story detailed my family's Christmas Eve traditions, some of my most treasured childhood memories, each one the artful work of my mother.
Affirming Life
In one of the dances featured in the article, we draw a little circle with our right foot. That small gesture became so much more than a little circle to me.
Recover a Natural Rhythm of Rest
Recover the natural rhythm of rest, dreaming, and renewal that comes with the night.
It can be so hard to rest when we feel like we need to do more, be more, or get more. You may be unconscious of how powerful this voice of insufficiency is until you recognize how very hard it is to stop.