Answering the yearning for deeper connection.
Our Vision
To generate a new culture through meaningful community and heart-centered creative engagement, rooted in perennial Wisdom traditions and service to the divine feminine.
Our Mission
We gather seekers and creatives of all generations to explore, express, and honor divine Mystery through vibrant experiences of the arts and grounded contemplative practices that transform self and world.

Our Collective Structure
Staff-Led Organization
We are a staff-led organization, sharing power and leadership with each other. In our evolving model, staff set the direction of the organization and are supported by a Circle of Elders and Board of Directors.
We are a fiscally sponsored collective (eligible for charitable donations). The following structures and practices support integrity, success, and accountability:
Contemplative dialogue, listening, and decision-making guide our process. We continually practice discernment together.
Staff meet weekly, preceded by a lunch time dedicated to community building.
During monthly day-long retreats the staff team takes a deeper dive into organizational development and giving feedback to each other.
Joy, beauty, play, and creativity infuse our work.
Our organization is non-hierarchical with equal pay.
We are designed to grow, evolve, and welcome new members.
We follow a clear accountability process with final authority resting in a Circle of Elders.