Medial Seasons, Circles & an Invitation

Welcome September! Fall is a brief season here in Minneapolis, so even as we inch towards the spectacular explosion of autumn color, we brace ourselves for the letting go that follows. Cold, stark darkness looms on the horizon, and the November election weighs heavily on our hearts and minds.

Fall holds both the bounty of the harvest and the dormancy of the fields. It echoes the liminal space between life and death, and fittingly it’s also the time of plastic  skeletons and cardboard tombstones on our lawns. I appreciate how Halloween spookiness acknowledges mortality while poking fun at our fears and material concerns.

Our culture wants us to believe that only the physical, material world matters: how much money we make, what kind of stuff we own, what we look like, what our bodies can do. We get sucked into a hyper-materialism that leaves us feeling empty.

What fills us? The non-material: meaningful connections with other people, understanding of our unique gifts and sense of purpose, communion with nature, and connection to the Mystery and something larger than ourselves.

It is possible to walk competently in the reality of our material culture, while also intentionally tapping into the invisible realm of spirit. I call those of us who do this Medial Women.

This Fall, Medial Women Circles will begin gathering monthly to explore together the invisible realm through topics like intuitive knowing, ancestral wisdom, nighttime dreams and healing.

Women who participated in last year’s Circles described “the cozy feeling” they had at our gatherings, the open, accepting nature of the participants, the warmth and connection they grew to feel for one another.

As you enter the liminal space and looming darkness of this Autumn, I invite you to do so while held in community and grounded in what is most meaningful to you.

More information, including what to expect and registration here. Act soon! Each Circle is limited to 10 participants.




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