The seasons are a dance - let's dance with them!

Fall color is here and I love it so much! I love seeing the rainbow of colors in the leaves. I love pruning back my garden and feeling like I’m going to win against overgrowth (at least for a few months).

Fall is so many things. The end of the harvest season is so sweet and delicious. The impulse to cozy up inside is getting stronger. Our bodies want to sleep more. And we also know that right behind the cute pumpkin decorations is an election and frenzied holiday season.

While the décor might change, our pace doesn’t always change with it. Our bodies can end up feeling confused and worn out.

Part of why I’ve loved moving to Minnesota from California is that the seasons are a lot “louder” and more tangible to work with.

Ultimately, I love seasons not because they are each so beautiful (although I do comment on that a lot), but because they help me move with the ups and downs of life.

Seasons help me understand how to work even better with creative spurts and time devoted to caregiving or rest.

Seasons are a type of dance and dancing is a powerful way to align with them.

Dancing by candlelight makes it even better!

I have some very seasonal dance updates:

  • Weekly dance continues outside through October – with lots of candles!

  • Dance will move to an earlier time, 4:00 – 5:30 PM, November – February, at the Signature Arts Building in Prospect Park neighborhood of Minneapolis. You will arrive in daylight, more candles will surround us to honor the dark season, and you will be home for dinner.

  • Connect Across the Threshold: Join me at sunset (inside with a great view) to mark the transition into the darkest months of the year. Monday, October 28, 5:30 PM.

Every blessing to you!




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