Embodied Writing
A Generative Practice
Embodied Writing: a Generative Practice
Led by Elizabeth Fletcher
This 90-minute online generative writing session incorporates movement, breath, and meditation to help writers move beyond resistance and open to creative receptivity. After an accessible movement and breath practice that focuses on curiosity and play, participants will have the opportunity to write together in community for approximately 60 minutes. The session will close with a brief check-in and integration practice. Whether participants are working on an existing project and want the accountability offered by community or are just beginning to explore a writing practice, all are welcome. Writing prompts will be offered at each session, but writers are encouraged to follow their own creative instincts.
Upcoming Embodied Writing Events with Elizabeth
Move Onto the Page: Embodied Co-Writing
This 2-hour online co-writing practice invites embodied creativity through breath and movement to help writers move beyond resistance and open to their imaginations. After an accessible Let Your Yoga Dance® practice that focuses on curiosity and play, we’ll act as accountability partners as we co-write for an hour. Afterward, we’ll have a chance to share snippets from works in progress or our discoveries about embodied creative process before a closing meditation.
No dance experience needed. Participants should wear clothing that allows for movement and bring a work in progress.
November: A Month of Meditation & Evening Pages
Are you looking for a contemplative or creative reset? Do you want to explore how a consistent practice of evening pages (adapted from Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way) can support a more creative life? Would you benefit from the accountability of like-minded practitioners? Join yoga therapist and writer Elizabeth Fletcher online for a month of meditation and evening pages. We’ll begin with a ten-minute heart-centering meditation, followed by twenty minutes of longhand, stream-of-consciousness writing. As a bonus, these quieting evening practices have been shown to improve sleep when practiced over time.
New Embodied Writing Programs coming soon - Sign up to stay informed!
Elizabeth Fletcher, MFA, C-IAYT, E-RYT-200, RYT-500, helps people cultivate creativity and wholeness through the practice of yoga. Her fiction and nonfiction has appeared in Lost Balloon, Gone Lawn, The Leaping Clear, Tiferet and elsewhere. She is currently revising a spiritual memoir about finding home by leaving it. Learn more about Elizabeth at www.esfletcher.com.