Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Eye of the Heart Center’s Writing Community?

The Eye of the Heart Writing Community is an online space to gather writers, whether new, emerging, or experienced, who delight in the holy dimension of creation. We grow together, not just on the page but in our very beings, so that our stories are full of the truth, aliveness, and wisdom that comes with co-creating the sacred world we inhabit.

What is the Eye of the Heart Center?

The Eye of the Heart Center is an organization seeking to cultivate a fresh, meaningful, and heart-centered community using vibrant experiences of the arts and grounded contemplative practices to transform both self and world. We believe that community is where transformation happens, and we’re committed to hosting conversations, learning opportunities, and small groups to deepen creative and spiritual practices—both in-person in the Twin Cities and online.

Who can join the writing community?

Writers of all stripes are welcome to join our community, with the commitment and willingness to engage in an open and inclusive community centered around the intersection of our creativity, spirituality, and humanity.

Does joining cost money?

No, this writing community is donation-based. Instead of a paywall, we’ve chosen to craft a mini-course that all who would like to join will be required to take (asynchronously). This course helps community members share a foundational understanding of creativity's flow of gifts. You'll be asked to make a donation upon entering the community.

Why is the writing community free?

We want no barriers for writers who need a safe and inclusive environment to tend the spiritual dimension of their writing. While we will never force anyone to give in order to remain in the community space, we do depend on your donations to make these opportunities available. We recommend a monthly gift of $10-30. The current commercial value of this community is $45/mo.

What will happen in the online writing community?

Our partner, Mighty Networks, hosts our community space and offers ample ways in which to connect and engage. The Gifts of Writing mini-course will be your first stop, walking you through a series of short videos with writing prompts and discussion questions.

After you finish the course, you will be invited into the community space, where monthly themes guide our discussions, writing prompts, and live events. Discussion threads reside in the community feed, which works much like social media. In the chat section, you can connect publicly and privately with various members. You will be able to see where other community members are located so you can form in-person groups as you desire.

Will there be space for me to share or promote my writing?

To focus on the gift aspect of writing, we do not encourage posting only for self-promotion. Once a month, we will have a “celebrations” post where we will invite writers to share landmarks in their writing process, accomplishments, and publications. This would be the time to share–when we can celebrate together.

What if someone is being hurtful, inappropriate, or disruptive?

All members of the writing community are bound by the Eye of the Heart’s Community Guidelines. If you believe that these guidelines are being violated in any way, please report the post or the participant to one of the hosts. You can also block participants, but we would want to be made aware to prevent escalation.

Does Mighty Networks collect my data?

A list of policies and FAQs regarding data security and privacy are available from Mighty Networks. Eye of the Heart does not sell your data or provide access to third parties. Our newsletter includes a one-click unsubscribe button.

What if I lose my login information?

If you forget or lose your login information to Mighty Networks, simply use the “Forgot Password” link on the sign in page and follow the instructions to receive a new login.

What if I have technical issues within the community?

Mighty Network handles tech support for our community. Their help guides cover many common issues, and you can submit a request for help online for further help.

For more information, watch this video walkthrough to learn more.

Looking for an online writing class instead of a community committment right now?

That’s okay, you can just take the writing course that serves as the intro to the online community! This short class will orient you to the gift of writing that you both receive and give as a gift to others. Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew, author and writing teacher, will lead you through four short lessons to orient you and open you and your writing up for transformation.

Note: this link will take you to join the Eye of the Heart online community space, but you do not have to stay to enjoy free access to the course.

Stay up-to-date on online and in-person events!