Medial Women’s Circles
Exploring Sacred Mystery in Community
The Annual Crone Carnival draws spiritual seekers eager to ponder the big questions while in community but turned off by the masculine lens of organized religion. They are creative, intuitive, thoughtful women wanting to find kindred spirits for connection and inspiration.
Medial Women’s Circles pick up the thread of the Crone event, offering an on-going opportunity for women to gather for spiritual contemplation and meaningful connection. (Prior attendance at Crone event not required).
To build trust and community, all participants will make an 8-month commitment to gather monthly in either South Minneapolis or St Paul. Group size will be limited to 10.
Note: It is understood that life happens, and most people will miss 1 or 2 sessions.
Medial Women’s Circles
Guided by Carolyn Kolovitz
8 in-person meetings, October through May
All sessions are from 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Group One: Tuesdays. Dates: Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 10, Jan 14, Feb 18, Mar 18, Apr 22, May 13. Location: St Paul
Group Two: Thursdays. Dates: Oct 24, Nov 21, Dec 12, Jan 16, Feb 20, Mar 20, Apr 24, May 15. Location: South Minneapolis.
Cost for either group: $360
Creative, soulful connection
Here’s what to expect:
Sessions will begin with art images and music or guided meditation followed by 5-10 minutes of silent contemplation or journaling and then a guided practice of sharing and deep listening with one another.
Each month will have a theme such as intuitive knowing, nighttime dreams, ancestors, healing.
All themes will honor the depth and breadth of our experiences, our ponderings and our questions.
Price Structure for Medial Women’s Groups:
For either group (Tuesday or Thursday) we have three pricing tiers available, so that these groups stay accessible for all. You’ll see these reflected in the registration area just below.
Choose the one that makes the most sense for your current financial situation.
$360 - This amount supports Carolyn and Eye of the Heart Center providing the monthly gatherings.
$280 - This amount reflects a discount for those that need a discounted price. Please do not use if you are able to pay more without issue.
Scholarship Support
$440 - This amount is for those who can afford to give above the basic cost as a way to cover those needing a discount.
About Carolyn, your Circle Guide
Carolyn Kolovitz is a wisdom teacher with a lifelong devotion to the Sacred Feminine and extensive experience accompanying people through transition.
For many years, she facilitated girl groups in schools and other settings, often using the arts to explore coming-of-age and dream new possibilities. Later, she filmed life reviews with people who were elderly or dying and then became a spiritual director and retreat facilitator. Always her mission is to tap people into self-compassion and their own inner knowing. As an artist, Carolyn wrote and performed a play about her girlhood that inspired many local audiences to consider the insidious messages that shape girls’ lives. Her next show was a multimedia event exploring female archetypes in fairy tales, dreams, and religion. Carolyn has a BS in Psychology, an MS in Women’s Studies and an MA in Theology as well as a graduate certificate in Spiritual Direction.