From Groggy to Alert
Sometimes it can feel like an enormous chasm between being out of bed and being really awake.
My daughter is turning into the early bird I’ve always wished I could be (waking at 5:30!) and it is not yet rubbing off on me. More than once this past week I’ve bumbled and blinked through my morning only to suddenly realize we leave in 15 minutes and I still haven’t had breakfast.
While of course sleep helps, this article is about waking up.
How can we wake up more quickly?
Gentle movement is a quick way to wake up both the body and the mind.
In particular, freeing up the spine is one of the best ways to shake off morning stiffness. Getting energy flowing through the spine helps you get fresh energy up to the head and feel more alert.
I love doing a little Pilates in the morning and the practice almost always begins with stretching the spine.
I also love qigong. The attention to breath and energies of nature is deeply nourishing to my soul.
Mornings are busy.
How can we have it all in 10-15 minutes?
My latest video for you focuses on freeing your spine up to help you wake up and start your day.
In order to target the spine and activate core muscles, I found myself making some creative variations on classic Spring Forest Qigong movements. Qigong not only helps us be flexble in mind, body, and spirit, qigong itself is also a flexible practice.
I hope it helps you feel strong and energized.
May your freed-up spine help you begin your next fabulous day!
Big love,
Practice this morning Qigong sequence with me!