The Angel of Risk
Every week in the middle of my dance class I love offering my basket of angel cards to my students with the invitation to pick one. By that point in the class, everyone is so much more relaxed and energized than when they walked in the door. Each card in the basket has one word on it, and we use the cards to help us attune to the qualities coming through us as we dance.
Cue the moment of hushed anticipation, the hope that it’ll be an especially juicy card.
Often people pull cards like love, peace, openness, clarity, or presence.
And then there’s the Angel of Risk.
Risk is one of those angels that always surprises the receiver.
For each of the past three weeks, someone in the class has been receiving the risk card. The Angel of Risk wants our attention. That’s why I thought I’d write about it now.
Most of my students walk in the door stressed about everything that is at risk right now. It’s natural to flinch at the idea that the looming dangers to people and planet is a beneficial risk. I don’t think that’s what the card is saying either.
While peril exists, so do helpful risks, like confessing that you love someone or speaking your truth.
It’s so natural to clench up to protect ourselves. There are many important ways we need to protect ourselves, from seat belts to protecting our personal information.
There have been phases of my life where I was anxiously consumed by self-protection. Through wading through the muck of it all, I’ve noticed that there’s a big choice we can make:
· The route of extreme self-sufficiency to the point of isolation. This self-protection powered only by one’s own will.
· The route of asking for help from spiritual masters and the Universe and of trusting their guidance and assistance through all things.
For me the Angel of Risk is an invitation to risk staying open to support and guidance beyond our egoic will. It involves trusting the unknown and intangible. It’s one of the most existential and powerful risks we can take.
Risks like this are also best pursued through practice and baby steps. If it’s time for you to cultivate your capacity to be able to take compassionate and courageous risks, check out of any of my upcoming offerings are for you.
With big love,