The Art of Intention

New Year’s Blessings to you! In fact, today (Sunday, January 5th, 2025) is the beginning of the 7 Day Blessing for the New Year led by Spring Forest Qigong master Chunyi Lin and Tibetan Monks.

I encourage you to sign up for this FREE event. Every morning Master Lin and the Monks broadcast a 30 minute live meditation and many thousands of people from nearly every country in the world join in. You can also watch the reply anytime.

The 7 Day Blessing is a fantastic way to purify your energy as you enter the new year and activate your intentions.

I want to pause a moment on the topic of intention setting since it is integral to the practice of qigong. 

The universe offers us almost infinite possibilities. It’s like the biggest shopping market in the world. In qigong meditation we call upon spiritual masters like Kuan Yin or Mary to help us see our intentions fulfilled. You could call them our Universal Instacart Shoppers. If in our qigong practice we simply say “Kuan Yin, be with me and bless me” Kuan Yin the Universal Instacart Shopper might have a lot of fun shopping on your behalf and bring you a bunch of interesting things. They may or may not fit together or be what you were really looking for. On the other hand, if you say “Kuan Yin, please help me plan a family gathering full of reconciliation and healing” you may instead get lots more specific assistance – happening upon significant old letters, chance conversations, or inspirations for how to shake things up in a good way. 

Intention setting is very much an art.

While intention setting is essential, we don’t force or cling to it with the ego.

Advanced qigong practice is about cultivating alignment between our ego intentions and our sacred soul-level intentions. (Check out Level 3 later this month to explore that more with me).

Keep it simple. Simplicity is a key signature of Spring Forest Qigong. Can you also summarize your deepest intention in a sentence that you memorize?

Intention can be the desire to become more essentially yourself. Your intention is a way to remember and affirm your essence; the highest purpose for your life.

I hope you sign up for the 7 Day Blessing and when you do, you will hear Master Lin suggest that you arrive to each session with your intention written down. 

If writing Your Intention For The Year feels too high pressure, like you just don’t feel that clear, that’s okay. Approach the invitation with softness, taking time each day of the 7 Day Blessing to journal about your deepest desires and the essence of what’s important to you in your life. With repetition and attention clarity will come!

Wishing you the blessings of peace, health, and prosperity in 2025.

Big love,



May Your Spirit Soar


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