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Wisdom Dances Emily Jarrett Hughes Wisdom Dances Emily Jarrett Hughes

Why We Are Here

Culture traditions help us remember why are here. The Wisdom Dances Earth Day Dance Celebration begins with two dances to affirm our interconnection with all of life and our purpose to send love to future generations. Practicing a focused sense of purpose cultivates presence and sets the stage for joy.

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Dance, Wisdom Dances Emily Jarrett Hughes Dance, Wisdom Dances Emily Jarrett Hughes

Full Catastrophe Dancing

What do you do after everything you’ve been working on falls apart? Do you dance? Zorba the Greek was able to dance with the full catastrophe of life – both literally and figuratively. If you embody resilience in dance you can access resilience in your whole life. 

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Dance Emily Jarrett Hughes Dance Emily Jarrett Hughes

Affirming Life

In one of the dances featured in the article, we draw a little circle with our right foot. That small gesture became so much more than a little circle to me.

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