Our Blog
The seasons are a dance - let's dance with them!
Ultimately, I love seasons not because they are each so beautiful (although I do comment on that a lot), but because they help me move with the ups and downs of life. Seasons help me understand how to work even better with creative spurts and time devoted to caregiving or rest. They are a dance, and we can dance with them.
Crones Know Sorrow—and Joy
An insightful someone recently shared this poem with a Circle I’m part of, then asked us to consider our sorrows, and the truths that our darkness reveals. What is your list of sorrows? What truth is revealed in your darkness?
Moving into the Mystery
If spiritual practice is a way of seeking wholeness, then writing has long been part of my practice.
Crone Momentum
The Crone Carnival gathered women together to create, play, reflect and have conversations that honor the breadth of our experiences, our ponderings and our questions. People shared they left with greater respect for the lived experiences of themselves and each other, a felt sense of the sacred feminine and a place in meaningful community. What’s next? A Medial Women’s Circle.
Honoring Lived Experience
Join a space where the feminine essence is revered, and the more a woman has lived, the more she’ll be exalted for her experience and knowing.
Summer is Buzzing and Barking and Beating
In contemplative writing circles, we practice listening deeply to each other and, in turn, listening more deeply to ourselves. Come to one or all three. This summer morning buzzes and barks and beats around me as I sit writing, and I am grateful for this practice and this full cup of coffee and the light and warmth of the other writers and seekers who sustain me on my way.
A Part of Something Bigger
What happens if we intentionally cultivate a creative and contemplative ecosystem together? This is a natural evolution for my cross-disciplinary self.
I have been carrying two visions for a long time. I dream :
· My practice circles evolve from honoring the cycle of the seasons to honoring the seasons of our lives through rites of passage.
· For an in-depth learning program for people who want to become wise elders or who seek both inner and outer transformation.
I’ve learned that these visions are bigger than just my work and are meant to be pursued in a larger community. This is part of what excites me most about the Eye of the Heart Center.
Growing, Not Building
We are nurturing the growth of our project - not building with our will.