With Emily Jarrett Hughes
Creative qigong meditations inspired by nature.
Qigong meditations to cultivate your creative nature.
Feel the support of nature and rhythm of the seasons to help you heal and move through life with freedom, ease, and hope.
Creative Nature Qigong Blog
Meet Emily
My name is Emily Jarrett Hughes and I am a healer, teacher, dancer, and mother living in Minneapolis.
The vitality and joy I find in Spring Forest Qigong were a lifeline through a major health crisis and are the inspiration for my teaching and healing practice. I have studied Spring Forest Qigong since 2006, completing Level 5, and am a Certified Instructor and Healer. I lead a hybrid, weekly drop-in qigong practice group. I also teach dance as a tool for healing and transformation. Everything that I do leans into the interrelationship between healing ourselves, healing the water, and healing the world. I have taught hundreds of classes and helped hundreds of people with healing. I love seeing my students and clients strengthen their connection with body, mind and spirit and unlock their capacity to live vibrant, courageous lives.